Thursday, March 5, 2020

Insurance for Tutors

Insurance for Tutors Over the last few months we've received some enquiries from tutors regarding liability insurance and where they can source it. This struck us as an interesting question, so we've done a little homework and found an insurance provider who specialises in just that field. Alan Boswell Group already offer cover to members of the National Union of Teachers and the Association of Teachers and Lecturers so seem like a natural choice for us to provide a link to for the benefit of our customers. Because this is insurance there is a legal bit for you to read which says quite rightly, that we are not properly qualified to advise on the product and that those enquiries should be directed to Alan Boswell Group. To be clear, insurance is not mandatory for tutors and certainly is not a requirement for advertising your tuition services with us. However, if it is something you have been considering, you can read more details of this particular insurance scheme by following this link. P.S. Whilst you are there, you may notice our resources section which currently recommends a few textbooks and lists some revision material from reputable educational publishers. The revision guides can be downloaded immediately and cover popular subjects such as Maths GCSE or Entrance exam papers. But, we'd like to know what else you want to see in the resources section - if you have suggestions, indeed if you produce resources of your own, please get in touch to discuss what we could do together.

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