Writing a research paper in apa
Oxidation Number Chemistry
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Varsity Tutors For Boys
Varsity Tutors For BoysVarsity Tutors for boys are required to be different from those for girls. Girls have an easier time getting started in the academic world, because they have more friends, better grades and are less interested in what others think. But because boys are more independent and need extra help with basic coursework, they are less likely to seek out assistance from a girl's tutoring services.The problem of the gender barrier has plagued all students. Boys and girls both take math and English classes. It is necessary for parents to make the learning process easier for their son or daughter. If a student knows he or she will be tutored by a girl, it encourages him or her to seek out the assistance of a tutor even before going back to college.When finding a Varsity Tutor for boys, there are several factors to consider. This includes the personality of the tutor. There are some schools and colleges that employ woman-haters, who are known to put down on any male that come s in contact with them.Male students that have been tutored by these female tutors have been subject to some bad habits that could hurt their grades. For instance, they might become rude or snobby in class. They may call their male classmates' names, and they might even be ignorant of basic information about the subject. In this respect, a male student would have a better chance of being successful with a male tutor than with a female.Male students also might want the Varsity Tutor for boys to be a little bit more intimidating. Boys are more likely to feel insecure about their appearance and gender if they are being tutored by a female. They will naturally want to learn how to deal with the female tutors that appear so confident.Male students will also like a more 'masculine' personality. They will probably want someone to be more pushy in the classroom. They will want the tutors to be able to 'settle' their scores easily. This would allow them to get a good grade for the class.When choosing a Varsity Tutor for boys, you should consider all these considerations. You should choose a tutor that is willing to do whatever it takes to help your son or daughter succeed academically.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Its a Chemical!
Its a Chemical! âItâs achemical,â exhaled a person, almost spitting out chemical as if the word itself were inherently toxic. To the general public, this statement may be alarming. To one who understands that everything made of matter is a âchemical,â itâs quite funny. If a simple primer on chemical concepts can dispel the incorrect notion that all chemicals are dangerous and toxic, imagine the possibilities delivered by a robust understanding of chemistry, the central science. Regardless of a studentâs academic or professional goals, an education in chemistry provides a student with more than a mere understanding of the pH scale and balancing an equation. From the organization required to set up challenging unit-conversions in stoichiometry, to the exercise of spatial awareness in Valence Shell Electron Repulsion Theory, the skills a student develops in chemistry will prepare him or her for an array of opportunities. Should a student wish to pursue science of any kind, whether it be m edicine, software engineering, or zoology, a strong performance in high school chemistry will engender the critical thinking and technical approach to problem-solving that the world needs.Of course, should a student not wish to pursue science, there are still a plethora of benefits to investment in a chemical education. The aesthetics of chemical reactions alone may be enough to intrigue more artistically-inclined scholars into understanding mechanisms behind physical and chemical transformations. For the especially pragmatic student, understanding chemistry may translate into understanding differences in boiling points with changes in elevation so that cooking is not compromised during a camping trip. For the poetic student, the quote âwe are made of stardustâ may be an invitation to see chemistry play out in the cosmic scene. Perhaps the most advantageous aspect within the nature of one-on-one instruction is that students can receive truly personalized instruction. Chemistry e specially illustrates this idea given its vast applications and ubiquitous presence in our lives. At AJ Tutoring, our tutors not only share their expertise with students of all levels, but also do so in an enticing way that acknowledges the unique interests and goals of each scholar. AJ Tutoring trains its chemistry tutors to translate complex and abstract scientific phenomenon into more tangible ideas, to empower students to make connections between seemingly distinct concepts, and to develop an innate curiosity to explore the universe in which we live. Give us a call today to learn more about how we can help your student with chemistry!
30 Kickass Ways to Start an Essay
30 Kickass Ways to Start an Essay Because well-begun is half done. 30-sentences-to-start-an-essayDownload The purpose of the first sentence in your essay is to make your reader want to read your next sentence. In truth, every sentence you write has the same purpose: tokeep them reading to the end. So, you have to start off strong. Your first sentence has to have some impact on the reader or you risk your essay being tossed aside never to be picked up again. Try to feel my pain. As your reader, the last thing I want to read is some dry announcement about your plan for your essay, In my essay, I will blah blah blah. Yuck! I would rather read a grocery list! And you can do better than that. A martial artist once told me, If you want to win a fight, hit first and hit hard. With that in mind,here are 30 sentence types that will hit your reader hard at the beginning of your fight for his or her attention. My advice to you is to take 30 minutes to compose 30 of your own sentences using each structure and example to guide you. Dont labour over each one. Some will be easy. Some not so much. Once you have your list of 30 kickass sentences, copy and paste your own sentences into the Virtual Writing Tutor grammar checker to check for errors. Of course, you should become a memberof the Virtual Writing Tutor firstif you arent one alreadybecause then the system will save your sentences to your profile for you to review later. (Yes, membership is 100% free, and no, we dont send spam.) 1. Not this, but that. Example: A moral code is not a hindrance to true successits a necessity. Structure:____is not a ______ its a _______. Comment: Say what something is not (or should not be) so that you can say what it is (or should be). Notice the dash. It joins two short sentences, one negative and one affirmative. You can join your sentences with a semicolon or a comma* if you prefer. *Strictly speaking, using a comma to join two sentences is usually called a comma splice error, but because the sentences are short, your reader will will interpret the sentence as a stylistic sentence rather than a comma splice error. 2. Use better off than to highlight an advantage. Example: A society with minimal restrictions on the expression of ideas and opinions is better off than a society with a propensity to censor. Example: A person with talent is better off than a person with training. Structure:________is better off than __________. Comment: The phrase better than compares two things directly, whereas the phrase better off than compares starting points. It tells the reader that one has an advantage the other doesnt have. 3. Compare adjectives with being ___ is better than being ___ Example: Being realistic is better than being heedlessly optimistic. Structure: Being _______ is better than being ________. Comment: Nouns are easy to compare, but when we compare adjectives we need the word being in front of them. This structure makes short, punchy claims easy to write, which make it easy for your reader to keep reading. 4. Show equality with just as. Example: Apathy is just as harmful to humans as a physical disease. Structure: ____ is just as _______ as _______. Comment: If you are asked to discuss to two things and give your opinion, it can be a good idea to show how two things are equal in way before getting into their differences. 5. Introduce alternatives with between ___ and ___. Example: Between the nation state and the individual, the nation state is more important by far. Structure: Between X and Y, X is best. Comment: By offering two alternatives and then naming the first alternative again with a claim to its superiority, you create a sentence with a repeated element. The repetition creates an impact by making the repeated element more memorable. Poetry and song lyrics use repetition with this same intention. 6. Announce your plan to categorize with fit into a range of . Example: Courageous deeds fit into a range of categories. Structure: Xs fit into a range of categories. Comment: After an opening sentence like this, you must keep your promise to categorize examples of courageous deeds into multiple types. 7. Say how something resists categorization with go beyond. Example: Dreams go beyond career choices and material desires. Structure: Xs go beyond Ys and Zs. Comment:Notice how the three items in the example are all plurals. Keep your items parallel when using this sentence structure. Also, notice how saying dreams go beyondmake dreams bigger and more important than the other items mentioned. Readers will be curious how. Dont disappoint. 8. Say where concepts originate. Example: Established values in a society originate in culture, religion, and the hopes and dreams that a country was founded upon. Plural Structure: Xs originate in Y and Z. Singular Structure: X originates in Y and Z. Comment: Saying where something originates opens the door to illustrations from the past. An essay with a first sentence like this will practically write itself. 9. Show surprising resilience with even with. Example: Even with the divorce rate of 50% Americans remain dedicated to the idea of family and community. Example: Despite a string of serious allegations, voters continue to support their president. Structure: Even with / Despite _______, Xs remain _________. Comment: Sentences that show us the surprising resilience of a state of affairs despite a factor that works against it make readers curious about why it is so. Make no mistake. Notice even with introduces past and present situations, while even if tells the reader about the future. 10. Virtually disappeared. Example: Good manners have virtually disappeared from our self-centered world. Structure: ___ has virtually disappeared. Comment: Virtually means nearly or almost. If you say that good manners have disappeared, your reader may say to him or herself, Nonsense! I have good manners. If this happens, you will have an uphill battle on your hands. Your reader will resist you. But if you say that good manners have virtually disappeared, that is much harder to contradict and should arouse curiosity instead. 11. Imagine a world without something. Example: Imagine a world without the light bulb, without civil rights, or without the personal computer. Structure: Imagine a world without ___, without ___, or without ___. Comment: Imagining a different world arouses the readers imagination and curiosity. All you have to do after a sentence like this is to offer illustrations how life would be different. Easy. 12. Say what is important to do before taking action. Example: It is very important to attempt to understand peopleâs motivations and circumstances before judging their actions. Structure:It is very important to ____ before _____. Comment: This is a way of telling your reader what to do without directly telling your reader what to do. You merely point out what to do first. 13. Say what someone did and how he or she did it with through. Example: Lincoln, through the force of his character and his knack for politics, kept the United States united and ended 250 years of slavery. Structure: X, through the ______ of his/her character, ________. Comment: This sentence is very useful for making claims about people who have shown leadership or talent in the past. By painting a portrait of a great person, you will activate your readers memory and imagination. 14. Say how most people agree that Example: Most people agree that the amount of preparation is proportional to the degree of success for any endeavor. Structure:Most people agree that ____. Comment: If you say, all people agree that or all people know that, your reader will resist you because it will sound like an exaggeration. Using the words most people still sounds bold, but it makes your claim sound less extreme. 15. Say how an idea manifests itself. Example: Nowadays, creativity manifests itself endlessly, in all fields of study. Structure: Nowadays, _________ manifests itself, in _______. Comment: Manifests itself is just another way of saying appears, but it sounds more active and impressive. The adverb endlessly isnt an essential part of this structure. It is not an exaggeration in the example sentence. I think it is true. We live in a very creative age. 16. Say what experts have observedor noticed. Example: Philosophers and scientists have observed that perspective colors perception. Structure: ______ have observed _____. Comment: This is a useful alternative to the word said. When you say that experts have observed something, they have seen it and talked about it. Notice how to observe is a little ambiguous. It can mean strictly to watch and see, but it is often used to mean said. The ambiguity prevents the reader from thinking, Oh, yeah? Really? Where have they said that? Cite your sources! Ambiguity at the beginning of your essay reduces resistance to your initial claim and keeps your reader reading. 17. Say how reflecting on something often leads to something else. Example: Reflecting on the condition of modern society often leads to the question, have we become overly cynical and desensitized? Structure: Reflecting on _____ often leads to the question ______? Comment: When you tell your reader reflection leads to curiosity about something, your reader will reflect and become curious. Kickass! 18. Claim that a virtue leads to harm. Example: Sometimes the realization of ones personal goals can cost another theirs. Structure: Sometimes _______ leads to ________. Comment: The irony that a good thing leads to a bad thing for others will arouse your readers sympathy and moral indignation. This sentence structure is a powerful first sentence in an essay. 19. Say that the world once believed something. Example: The world once believed in things that we now find either horrifying or ridiculous. Structure:The world once believed ______. Comment: This sentence flatters your reader that he or she is not so stupid as the stupid people in the past, with their ridiculous ideas. Your readers will like the way you make them feel good about themselves. 20. Say how the greater part of something depends upon something. Example: The greater part of our happiness or misery depends more upon disposition than circumstances. Structure:The greater part of _____ depends more upon _____ than _____. Comment:This is a very versatile structure that immediately spurs thought-provoking reflection. You could start an essay about success by saying, The greater part of success depends more upon luck than skill. AN essay about happiness could begin, The greater part of happiness depends more upon a hopeful sense of progress than upon the satisfaction of past achievement. 21. Introduce a criticism by saying X is often accused of something. Example: The media is often accused of sensationalism and outright bias. Structure: _______ is often accused of ________. Comment:This sentence makes the accusation sound unfair. It will arouse sympathy and moral indignation in your reader. 22. State a universal need. Example: The need to belong is universal. Structure: _______ is universal. Comment: There are many things that are universal. Use this structure to tell your reader. 23. Claim that something seems straightforward. Example: The purpose of education these days seems to be a straightforward one. Structure: _____seems straightforward. Comment:These are two useful words that when placed side-by-side become even more useful. Seem suggests that things could be different than they appear. This arouses curiosity. Straightforward suggests simplicity. We all want to be rescued from confusion and excessive complexity. 24. Declare that something has been debated for ages. Example: The role of government has been debated for ages without any concrete answer being offered. Structure:_____has been debated for ages. Comment: When you start an essay like that, Im expecting that you will settle the debate. Keep your promise. 25. Reflect on an inherent part of the human psyche. Example: The search for answers to all of lifes mysteries is an inherent part of the human psyche. Structure: _____an inherent part of the human psyche. Comment: There are lots of things that are inherent to the human psyche. Memorise this structure. It could be useful to you. 26. Claim that there is little or no correlation to something. Example: The truth and facts have little or no correlation to what is popular or mainstream. Structure: _____ have little or no correlation to ______. Comment: Oh, really? Not connected? Do tell. This sentence is bold and arouses my curiosity. It will arouse your readers curiosity also. 27. There can be no doubt. Example: There can be no doubt that problems will continue to plague humanity far into the future, problems as diverse as the people they afflict. Structure: There can be no doubt that ______. Comment: People are attracted to certainty. Offer some to your reader. 28. Tell us that nobody is free from something. Example: Today, nobody is free from the demands or expectations of others, whether one is a toddler and expected to walk by certain age or a father expected to provide a comfortable life for his family. Structure: Nobody is free from _______. Comment:Everybody wants to be free. It is unfair that people should be unfree. Every reader will want to keep reading after the first four words. 29. What forever remains? Tell us. Example: Two opposing ideals remain forever in competition. Structure: _____ remain forever _____. Comment: Putting the word forever after the word remain seems a little old-fashioned and formal. It will make you sound like an authority on the subject. 30. What might never have come to fruition? Example: Without passion optimism and the willingness to believe in the past, many accomplishments in this world might never have come to fruition. Structure:Without _____, _____ might never have come to fruition. Comment: This blog post might never have come to fruition if I hadnt bought 30 Model Essays and been impressed with the first lines of each essay. I hope you found it useful. Please follow and like us:
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Navigating Student Employment Forms
Navigating Student Employment Forms Image via tirereview.com Following that, you must confirm your citizenship or immigration status by checking off one of four options. They include: citizen of the U.S., non-citizen national of the U.S., lawful permanent resident, and alien authorized to work. If you are unaware of which you qualify for, visit this link. According to uscis.gov, âSign your name in the âSignature of Employeeâ block and record the date you completed and signed Section 1. By signing and dating this form, you attest that the citizenship or immigration status you selected is correct and that you are aware that you may be imprisoned and/or fined for making false statements or using false documentation when completing this form.â Forms of identification will be also requested to support Section 1 of I-9. A driverâs license, passport, or social security card will do the trick. Leave the rest of the form blank for your employer to fill out. Form W-4 Along with the I-9 form, the W-4âs completion is also required for new employees. The purpose of this tax form is to figure out how much money needs to be deducted from your paycheck, called the withholding tax. According to irs.com, it âis essentially income tax that is withheld from your wages and sent directly to the IRS by your employer. In other words, itâs like a credit against the income taxes that you must pay for the year.â Image via fool.com It is important to know that your employer is required to obtain the completed form from each employee, so do not try to avoid filling it out. The W-4 also directly controls how much tax dollars are removed from your paycheck, therefore determining your tax refund. Box 1 asks for your name, box 2 for social security number, box 3 for marital status, and box 4 for any name change you recently had. (Notice both federal forms ask for your SS number, so if you do not know it, ask your parents.) After filling this information out, you will be faced with the Personal Allowances Worksheet. Read each line carefully and answer as honestly as possible. According to collegeboard.com, âYouâll be asked to decide on the number of withholding allowances you want to claim. Each allowance you claim lowers the amount of tax that your employer will withhold from your paycheck. You want to have enough tax withheld so that by the end of the year you have paid all or most of the income tax due on your yearly income.â Other forms In addition to the two federal forms, employers usually ask new hires to complete some of their own forms. These can range from a basic information sheet to a criminal background check. Depending on what specific job you are working or where, an emergency healthcare form may also be asked of you. According to labor-employment-law.lawyers.com, âYou might also be asked to complete a new hire reporting form. Employers are required to report each new hire to a state agency, so that the state can identify individuals who owe child support.â Hopefully you do not have to pay child support, though. If you are working on-campus, drug/alcohol acknowledgements may require a signature from you, just to recognize that you are aware of consequences. Again, depending on your job, a form such as a key-request might be necessary to complete. There is a long list of possible paperwork. Do not forget about the basic application as well. You will have to list your name, date, address, contact information, and date of birth. In addition, most applications will ask you what your desired position is as well as pay. Information regarding your level of education and previous employment may be requested; it is essential that you do not lie on either. Make sure to leave reliable references if you do list any previous jobs. On some applications they may ask you right away regarding your weekly availability. Bottom line for all paperwork: do not lie. For example, evading your federal income taxes is a felony jail time. So carefully read and follow all instructions to avoid getting fired, not hired, or locked up.
New Website Provides Insight Into College Finances
New Website Provides Insight Into College Finances via Pexels.com When researching college costs, it may be frustrating trying to find accurate information and you may have to search several websites just to find one number. This can be made even more difficult if you are trying to compare a list of multiple schools. HowCollegesSpendMoney.com is a reliable resource that has all the crucial numbers you need and will allow you to compare numbers from different schools with more immediacy. While it may be easy to find tuition numbers on other websites, other financial statistics like retention rates, graduation rates, and institutional spending reports are not so readily available. Because some universities would rather keep their spending quiet, some of these statistics are almost completely hidden. All of these factors and more are available on HowCollegesSpendMoney.com. Access to this information could help you predict future tuition rates, how likely you are to graduate, and determine whether you agree with the universityâs spending history. Students are facing many worries when it comes to paying for college and dealing with student debt. With tuition prices and student fees increasing almost every year, students often wonder what all their money is going to. It is well-known that many colleges have what is called âadministrative bloatâ where they hire too many administrative positions, or overpay certain high-up administrators. Students are often disappointed to find out that their tuition dollars arenât going towards bettering research, building better facilities, or rewarding outstanding professors. Heidi Ganahl, Regent at the University of Colorado, believes that this website will be âa major tool to help us tackle administrative expense bloat on our college campuses.â Michael Poliakoff, ACTAâs president, hopes that this website will help âequip college trustees and leaders to be more effective stewards of their institutions.â By providing transparent information about university finances, the website should help push colleges to re-evaluate their institutional spending and help students spend less overall. This website appears to be a massive step towards a fairer, more transparent financial future for university students across the country. If you would like to learn more or explore the website, you can visit it at www.howcollegesspendmoney.com.
Insurance for Tutors
Insurance for Tutors Over the last few months we've received some enquiries from tutors regarding liability insurance and where they can source it. This struck us as an interesting question, so we've done a little homework and found an insurance provider who specialises in just that field. Alan Boswell Group already offer cover to members of the National Union of Teachers and the Association of Teachers and Lecturers so seem like a natural choice for us to provide a link to for the benefit of our customers. Because this is insurance there is a legal bit for you to read which says quite rightly, that we are not properly qualified to advise on the product and that those enquiries should be directed to Alan Boswell Group. To be clear, insurance is not mandatory for tutors and certainly is not a requirement for advertising your tuition services with us. However, if it is something you have been considering, you can read more details of this particular insurance scheme by following this link. P.S. Whilst you are there, you may notice our resources section which currently recommends a few textbooks and lists some revision material from reputable educational publishers. The revision guides can be downloaded immediately and cover popular subjects such as Maths GCSE or Entrance exam papers. But, we'd like to know what else you want to see in the resources section - if you have suggestions, indeed if you produce resources of your own, please get in touch to discuss what we could do together.
Teach in the UK - now hiring over 100 teachers!
Teach in the UK - now hiring over 100 teachers! London calling! Weâre now hiring for over 100 British teaching positions in English, Math, Science, Foreign Language, and Musicteachers to teach in London and surrounding areas. This is an exciting opportunity for Canadian and American teachers certified to teach Middle and High School. Newly licensed teachers are welcome to apply too! What youâll enjoy: Generous annual salary of approximately £22,244 - £37,851 Visa assistance provided Why teach in the UK: Culture: The UK has a very rich history and there is a large mix of cultures. Heritage: Britain has an interesting history and is good at preserving its traditions, heritage buildings, and gardens. Geographical location: Youâll be able to travel to countless European destinations only a few hours away, often with cheap trains and bus. Environment: There are many beautiful gardens, parks, and public green spaces. Food:Enjoy Sunday roasts and Yorkshire Pudding in local pubs. Apply for English teaching positions in the UK Apply for Math teaching positions in the UK Apply for Science teaching positions in the UK Apply for Music teaching positions in the UK Apply for Foreign Language teaching positions in the UK (French, German,or Spanish)
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